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Pillars of Support

As children, we rely upon our caregivers to make decisions and create opportunities for us to be happy, healthy and safe. For most of our adult life, we are solely responsible for our safety, health and happiness. These three concepts serve as the foundation of The Silver Advocate Approach.


While caring for her own parents, our Founder was often faced with challenging and complex situations. To find clarity and simplicity in the decision-making process, she adapted influences from her background in education, her coaching experience, and her interest in human development. From this, Catherine designed a framework to support and guide decision-making for her clients.


At every step along your aging journey, The Silver Advocate Approach will guide you as you plan for and live out your best life --- one where you are safe, happy and healthy in mind, body and spirit. 

Aging Planning

Hope is not a plan

Birth plan. College plans. Travel plans. Wedding plans. Retirement plans. Aging Plan? 


Difficult conversations are easy to put off. Not everyone has the tools or confidence to navigate challenging discussions. Silver Advocate will work with you to help you make the best of your aging experience. We will talk you through the 'what ifs' and help you create an aging plan that fits your life. Whether you are anticipating supporting an aging loved one or just beginning to think about your own 'Silver Years'; our consultants will guide you through conversations and exercises aimed at helping you find your way.


Family Caregiver Coaching

Who is caring for you?

Many caregivers experience "compassion fatigue"; feelings of overwhelm and frustration can lead to a deep exhaustion. Stress levels rise as we try to juggle our own responsibilities while navigating the ever-changing responsibilities of caring for an elder. 

Our consultants have walked this path and, in turn, helped countless others find their way while maintaining their own sense of self. Silver Advocate will help you make the best of this opportunity for growth and evolution. And, ensure your elder lives their best life, their whole life.

Elder Advocacy

Helping families work together

Every family has a unique set of qualities and patterns of behavior. Often, we don't know how we will manage a crisis until we are in one. Life transitions can be a challenge, even in the best of times. In the always-changing landscape of aging, it can be overwhelming to manage all the details and things invariably fall through the cracks.

If your family needs a trusted guide to facilitate an aging transition or if you are experiencing an aging-related conflict and need elder-focused family mediation, Silver Advocate will help you find a way to both support your loved ones' aging journey and manage changing family dynamics. 

End-of-Life Planning & Education

The Reality of our Mortality 

Talking about death is scary. Our society values youth, vitality and wellness. We have become disconnected from our mortality and have devalued the gift of aging. Silver Advocate believes that you can live more fully in the present by planning for the end. Through values based End-of-Life education and intentional conversations, Silver Advocate will guide you to create a meaningful End-of-Life plan and a lasting legacy. 

Catherine is a trained and licensed Willow EOL Educator. She will guide you through a thoughtfully designed series of values-driven conversations and exercises developed to help you clarify your wishes and define your legacy. Click here to learn more about this inspiring program. 

Rustic Beach Path

Click the link to send us an email. We'd love to talk and see how we can help you live your best life, your whole life.

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